2014 m. spalio 5 d., sekmadienis

A problems with my pussy

"The problems with my pussy started a few years ago. I always noticed that when I done my homeworks in my room in silence, some noises came out from my pussy. Later at nights I started to hear a calm beautiful melody. When I tried to listen where it came from I realized that that silent music have been coming from my pussy. and it repeated every night. Once in a while when I've been in silence I often heard that silent beautiful music coming out from my pussy. later things became even more awkward. One night when I heard that melody again, I decided to check my pussy and when I looked at it.. I was amazed.. A LIGHT was coming out from my vagina. Light often went through my panties and lightened floor when I went into a toilet at night. And that music doesn't stop...  so please tel me WTF? what the honest fuck is going on  in my pussy? anybody knows?"

            written by:  Mitera4qua  

2014 m. rugsėjo 10 d., trečiadienis

My romance with my english teacher

I will tell you about one even in my life long time ago.
Well I fell in love with an older woman. She was like 6 years older then me. so I started to talk with her and spend my time with her. I bough her flowers and candies and presents. but there was a great problem. she was married at that time. but oh well, not a big deal since her husband worked in another country at that time. so to make a long story short, I was able to get into close friendship with her. and not too long time after that I was able to take over her. she started to cheat on her husband with me. since her husband was non attractive looser with glasses (rather scopes) and wasn't good in a bed. so we enjoyed our relationships for like a month. and then her husband returned so she asked me to leave her alone and never talk with anyone about what happened between us. and yes she still was my english teacher at that time (that explains why my english is so bad. because I more often fucked my teacher instead of studying, but oh well..). so we had to pretend that nothing happened between us. she quit me after her husband returned from Italy. but yet I really loved her... and soon it was summer vacation. 3 monts passed. I haven't seen her for all those 3 long months. I really missed her. when studies finally begun again I was very happy because I though I will be able to see my beloved english teacher again. but then I heard a rummor that she's pregnant. and I thought "oh shit who did trashed my beloved teacher like that?! who dared?!". I talked with her one day after school. she asked me to forget about what happened between us back then and she said that her husband made her pregnant. that looser with scopes...
well I decided to end that shit. I didn't wanted pregnant women. like who would want to love trashed female? eww.. all love in my heart for her suddenly vanished. vaporized. disapeared.
so I never wanted to see her anymore. but then another shit happened. another day her husband, who was my chemistry teacher heard those nasty rummors about my little romance with his wife! he became very very angry and very dangerous! one day he couldn't controll himself and attacked me in a school corridor! he beated me with fists, he was mad and I had to defend myself somehow! he was bigger than me and he punched me and kicked me and acted like hes mad! so by defending myself I kicked him really hard into his balls. then he fell and started to shake and white foam came out of his mouth. but just to be sure he won't attack me again I stomped him like 10 times and additionally jumped on his head to make sure he won't attack me anymore. you know, it was all self defence. then ambulance arrived and took him into a hospital.
after this terrible event a great scandal begun. this story became public. I was kicked out from school, my chemistry teacher lost his job and balls (his crushed balls were surgicaly removed from his body) and my pregnant english teacher commited suicide for some reason.
and so now after so many years I feel.. something like guilt deep in my heart.. like it was somehow my fault. I know this is silly, but sometimes I m thinking that maybe if I didn't interrupted between them maybe it wouldn't have ended like this... I know its stupid to blame myself but I do regret it for some reason. I feel like they would have been ok if not me. but oh well, sometimes its happening, not like I could do something about that. so I m just trying my best to not blame myself... my poor english teacher, why did she killed herself.. she was such a beauty...
so this is my biggest regret of my life.

2014 m. rugsėjo 9 d., antradienis


It is very hard to understand the reason why a human being would choose to disapear by his own will. Why would he or she walks away from life just like this? And leaves his/her family and friends suffering...
A week ago my old friend who I knew for decades since our childhood choosed to end his own life.
He turned on his cars engine in a closed garage without proper ventilation system. Half an hour passed and he fell to sleep. And he never woke up anymore...
He left a letter. I never got a chance to see what was written in that letter... A tragedy for all his family and friends. Everyone who knew him can't understand why did he done such a thing.. He always been a happy person, filled with the joy of life. At least everyone remembers him this way..
His mother and father and his brother are still in shock. This sunday I was in his funeral...
Everybody cried. Since he was my friend since our childhood I wonder what should I do? Should I pretend to be sad or something? should I pretend that I care and try my best to cry as everybody else? Because I m not sure what should I do since its not like I'd give a single fuck you know...

2014 m. rugpjūčio 16 d., šeštadienis

my sad story

hey I'll tell you my really sad story about how my parents abused me:

so I had a lovely big sister. she was 3 years older than me. very beautiful. she allways took care of me when I was nothing more than a small stupid child. I loved her very much. LIKE REALLY MUCH. all my childhood we been together. but later it started to change. as I grow bigger and bigger I started to take care of my beloved sister, helping her with various things. as I was told by father that I am a man and man must take care of his sister as a man. so I allways helped my sister with everything and treated her nicely. but sudenly she started to change! her chest.. started to grow bigger. and her ass.. her body transformed. and time to time after seeing her I started to feel something weird in my pants. something hard.. I couldn't understand it back then... 

when we were small we used to sleep together because I often got nightmares. so she allowed me to sleep in her bed with her. but after she turned 14 she didn't allowed me to sleep with her anymore. but one night when I was 12 and she was 15 I got a terrible nightmare and came to her room and asked if I can sleep with her. I was scared and I almost cryed. so she agreed. and we slept together. and that night.. I started to grab her while she slept. I really was currious about her female body. I touched her intimate places. and then sudenly she woke up with my fingers in her vagina.. she said "what are you doing!?" and looked at me with weird look in her face.. then I kissed her in the lips. I started to kiss her. a lot. we kissed and then we started to grab each other and this was our first time when we had sex. first, but not the last. we started to sleep (sex) together every night. we enjoyed each other... we loved each other. that was most amazing nights in my life...

But then a great disaster happened. our PARENTS FIND OUT our secret. they cough us together... they screamed and shouted at us.. later they talked with us.. we've been forced to go to psychologists after that. they said it isn't normal for us to love each other that way. but I still loved my sister more than anything in the world... 
I told to my parents that they cannot change it, I refused to stop loving my sister. so they separated us... they sent my sister to live with our uncle and his wife in another town which was in another side of my country. like 300km away.. they said she will study in better school there and it's for her own good. but the truth was that they just brutally separated us like that. I havent seen my sister for years. it was so hard. I was thinking about her everyday. life became so empty and meaningless. I was so lonely.. after almost a year separated she came back home for christmas. I though we will be together again at least for that short christmas week.. but she said that our relationships was a mistake and that we shouldn't have done that... and then she left again.. I didn't wanted to live anymore. I kept wondering why do our parents acting so cruel with us. life was so dark.. I kept thinking about commiting suicide.

that was like 7 years of hell. but now I m independant grown up man and parents cannot abuse me like that anymore. I m meeting with my sister a lot and our relationships are just fine. my parents bitching about it and allways warning us not to do incestical stuff. but its not their business anymore.

so thats my story. I tried to make it short so many details left aside, but I guess you got the main point.

most embarasing moment of my life

once a long time ago I was riding on my bike. suddenly I saw a bunch of beautiful girls. I decided to show them how cool I am and started to drive my bike without hands. I wanted to impress all those girls. but a disaster happened. suddenly I lost my balance and fell and I landed on iron frame of my bike with my balls. my balls crushed into my bikes frame.. hit was so hard that I fell on the ground and started to shake and white foam was coming out of my mouth. I didn't even understood what happening anymore, the great pain overwhelmed my minds and it became so dark in my eyes.. and I lost my consciousness. all those girls seen it.. such an embarasment...

but it wasnt over yet.. gods prepared even greater chalenge for me....

so I woke up in a hospital. and a beautiful young nurse came to check me. she was so beautiful. I lost my ability to talk for a moment. she was like most beautiful girl I saw in my life... such a sexy beautiful young nurse. I got a bonner instantly.. 

and then she told me about what happened to me. that I hit my balls really hard in my bikes frame and my balls suffered greatly and became dysfunctional so they must do a surgery for my balls. so I tough "holy crap"...

I wanted to refuse surgery but my parents and doctors convinced me. they said that without surgery I can suffer even greater health diseases in future. so I kinda had to agree with it..

and so one day the same beautiful nurse came to me again. I was so hapy to see her. I fell in love and I wanted to confess my feelings to her. but before I could say a word she explained to me that she came.... to shave my pubic hairs before operation. oh gods... I though wtf? I said her to worry not, I can do it myself. but she said that I wont be able to shave myself clean enough. I said that its not necessary, but she get a bit angry and said "cmon dont be a child!". and so even without my permission that beautiful sexy nurse took off my pants and started to shave my pubic hairs. at that moment while she was shaving me I was praying to the gods in my minds - "please no bonner, please no bonner, PLEASE NO BoNNER, GODS OF ALL TIME PLEASE just NOT NOW!".. but I couldnt controll myself properly... gods, she was so sexy and beutiful that I suddenly got bonner. while she shaved me.. this was the greatest embarasment I got in my life.. I'll never forget that look that she gave to me back then.. at that moment I just wanted to disapear..

even more bonner interfered in her work so she had to hold it with her fingers while she shaved everything around. it was such an embarasement that I wanted to die...

and next day I had that surgery.. and soon after they let me go home. before I left hospital I met her (that sexy nurse) in the corridor. she smiled and asked "so how are you?" and I was so nervous that I said something like "eh? how are I do you mean?? Ifrine afta rI em now!".. so I made a total idiot out of myself against a beautiful girl once again.. so I just ran away from that hospital to my homes, locked in my room and cried for 3 days.

so this is the story of my greatest embarasment in my life. Its so hard to remember. sometimes when I suddenly remembering this story a tears coming out from my eyes...

2014 m. birželio 3 d., antradienis

my tragic story

some of my regrets are too sad to be written. but I'll write one of them.

my story is long, sad and written in shitty english so be prepared.

It was a beautiful winter full of snow. a white beautiful time 3 days before christmas. I was all about christmas mood and it was already long holidays for me. outside my warm home was very cold those days. so one beautiful morning I decided to go for a walk with my beloved dog. I went to the most beautiful place in my area. a frozen lake near the forest. it was so white snowy and beautiful but so cold but my dogy was so happy and energetic. he loved to walk with me in the nature. and he was running all over that frozen lake full of the joy of life and I was just standing there and remembering my old beautiful times. and then it happened. the little boy apeared on that lake and my dog (which is not small) noticed him and started to run into him. I though "oh shit!" and started to call my dog to come back. my dog is not argesive but still if he somehow bite that boy or something I'd be in trouble. but my dog didn't listen to me and didn't came back. and he started to play with that boy, sniffing him and I got angry cause that dick didn't listened to me and started to run towards him. and while I was running towards him OH GODS the ice broke and both my dog and that little boy fell into the freezing water! and then adrenaline flooded all my body and minds! I ran there and tryed to get my dog out of that freezing water but I was too close to the edge and ice broke again and I myself fell into the water! water was freezing as fuck! and so the first thing I did in that freezing water was grabbing my dog and pushing him on ice (he wasn't too heavy so ice didin't broke while I did it). and then I grabbed the edge of ice to not drown myself. edge of ice that I hold broke a few times but pretty fast I find a place where ice was strong enough for me to climb on it. and thanks Gods and my good physical condition I was able to climb on that ice and save my skin! and then after I got my ass on ice I noticed that woman screaming the name of that boy that was still in the water. that was his mother. at that time while I was in shock I fucking forgot that was someone else besides me and my dog in that freezing water! then I didint know what to do anymore..
that boy was holding on edge of ice but unable to climb up. he was screaming for his mother to help but she couldn't get close to him as ice was clearly weak in that area. I knew that if I go near the edge ice will broke again. I was all freezed and couldn't even think of what will happen if I fall into that water again. I would die in second try. so the only idea that came into my mind was to call for help (it was bad idea ofcource but only one that came to my mind) so I tryed to take my phone out of my pocket but my fingers was so freezed that I couldn't do it and when I finally did I saw that my phone doesn't work as it was in water for that whole long freezing minute! then I started to shout to that woman to call help with her phone but she was all in a fucking panic and only screamed and cryed and didin't hear me. and so while I was shouting her to call help that little boy freezed and drown in my eyes. that was one of the most terrible things I saw in my life...

after that I was in hospital for all the christmas week as I catched a terrible cold. I was thinking the whole time about that terrible event. could I saved that boy as well? should I saved him instead of my dog?(nah.. my lovely pet was first priority after all) or would I died myself if I'd tryed to save him as well while in water? gods knows.. but I regret I couldn't save him.

also there was some peoples and even my friends in my town who after hearing this story condemned me for saving dog instead of that little boy (he was like 6 years old). but this story happened like 8 years ago and now almost nobody remembers it. except me. I'll remember it for all my life. also I heard that that mother who saw her children drown in her eyes later ended up in psychoteraphy hospital as she almost went out of her right mind.

thats one of events I regret. ONE of events I regret, but not the most regreted one..

also my dogy is still alive with me and we still going for walks and 10 miles runs. he's my beloved friend. in that situation I forgot almost everything in the world and only thing in my mind was how to save my dog. I do not regret saving him instead of that boy, but I do regret that I didn't tryed to save that boy as well.

so that's my sad story. thanks for listening.

2014 m. balandžio 27 d., sekmadienis

The Words of Gods

The Words of Great Gods was written and shall be passed to you, oh sons and daughters!

The Gods gave me some updates and asked me to pass them to EVERYBODY.

"WE - The Great Gods of Incestus shall update the words of Gods given to you millennia ago"


Recently WE - the Great Gods of Incestus got a letter from Siscon2000 asking if its ok
to have sex with your sister/brother/sibling/whatever.

As it was said before - one shall not fuck his sibling.

BUT as WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do understand that those ancient orders cannot fit to nowdays modern lifestyle, so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus shall bring the update and Allow these actions from now on.

From now on you are allowed fuck your sister/brother/parent/whoever as long as there's no rape.
if two (or more) adults both agree to have sex, they shall be allowed to do with their own bodies whatever they like to do. but only as far as there's no rape!


Another question we've been recently asked is - if its ok to have sex with another male or another female (gay/lesbo case)? this decision we discussed for many centuries and came up with conclusion that any sex can have sex with same sex as long as there's no rape. feel free to do with your own bodies whatever you like, as far as no rape and both (or more) adults agree to that.

HOWEVER there's still some taboo will be left in our Order:

1ST - NO RAPE. the one who rapes another living being shall not be forgiven and WILL
burn in hell.

2nd - no sex with animals. animals cannot say if they want to have sex with you or not
(most likely they don't want to have sex with humans anyway.. except dogs) so fucking any
living creature made by Gods who's unable to express himself in words WILL be considered as rape. and one shall burn in hell! and sizes of genitalia are not fitting by the way. so you can hurt our less advanced children that way! shall not be forgiven! beware!

3rd - no sex with childrens. as childrens are mostly as stupid as animals are, it is the same
 deal as with animals. non mature minds that are unable to fully understand their actions
shall not be fucked by any means. offenders shall burn in hell. the age restriction shall
be 18+.

One is allowed to have sex until 18 years old as far as he wants, but two (or more)
of them must be at the same or close to the same age.

Anything else between two (or more) adults shall be forgiven and allowed and left to their
own judgement. as far as no rape not a single fuck will be given!

but beware! in exchange of this sexual freedom we set some traps that shall restrict you
from these actions. you probably already know about our recent "gifts" to humanity such as HIV and AIDS. you have been warned!


Now the difficult topic about abortions. "if its allowed to do an abortion?" -
 we've been asked so many times. and so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus
shall give you Our answer.

As far as fetus is basically a parasite, that lives in a body that does not belong to it,
the owner of that body shall have the right to decide if he(she) want it to be or not.
one's flesh shall belong to its owner as well as decision to do with that flesh whatever
one likes to do. nobody can be forced to make a new life against ones own will.
and so abortion is allowed and shall not be considered as sin. not a single fuck will be
given by Us - The Great Gods of Incestus.

Even more, if we would have decide to force a female human beings to give a new life by any means we wouldn't have given you The Free Will and advanced brains in the first place. you would remain something similar to plants if We would decide to force you to give a new life independent if you want it or not.

Now about overpopulated areas like China and India: to solve the most basic problems
in those regions like overpopulation and lack of food, WE - The Great Gods of Incestus
shall allow canibalism. canibalism in those regions (only) is NOT considered to be a sin
anymore. one shall be forgiven by Us.

Next is Swearing - "is it okay to swear?". we having so many letters with such a stupid

WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do not giving a single fuck about your speech manner.
feel free to say whatever you like as far as you do not offending anyone intentionally.
freedom of speech shall be allowed once again and swearing shall not be considered as a sin (as it never was).

Next case is "cheating on your husband/wife". WE - The Great Gods of Incestus said you
from the very beginning that it WILL NOT be a good idea to have marriage/single partner
relationships. as you human beings are made as polygamous creatures and are not fit to be with a single partner for entire life. we shall release you from your own mistakes and ALLOW polygamy once again.

You are free to fuck any adult human being as far as no rape and this shall not be considered as a sin despite if you already have wife/husband or not. any form of cheating is ALLOWED and is not considered as a sin as marriage was YOUR idea from the very beginning, NOT Ours.

and so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do not acknowledge marriage and DO NOT recognize it as any factor regarding our sons and daughters relationships.


Next is "is it allowed to troll the internet". there's no word in our last orders about internet as internet did not exist back then. so as internet is virtual space that have not great enough influence to the real world, we will leave this realm for your own judgement. WE - The Great Gods of Incestus have no time to read your shitposting in such a wide space as the internet, oh our sons and daughters! so we are not going to check your actions there, as it have not enough importance anyway.
in other words WE - The Great Gods of Incestus giving no shit about your actions in internet space as long as you do not commit heavy crimes such as pentagon hacks or stealing from bank accounts and so on.


"Is it okay for us to play violent video games or watch violent movies/TV shows/anime?"
It's better to do it in games than in real life. feel free to enjoy any form of modern entertainment. this shall not be considered as a sin.


"is it okay to watch porn?"
It is ok. Not a single fuck is given by US - The Great Gods of Incestus.


That shall be it for now. we will let you know about Our next updates in the future.

And by the way, tell to that fucktard Vladimir Putin to give back Crimea to Ukraine.
those lands was given to Ukraine by Us - The Great Gods of Incestus and shall remain
Ukrainian lands, as Russia has too many lands anyway!
"Mother Russia" might get her ass kicked very soon by its own "children"
and We're not going to stop that shit if it happens!
and most important Vladimir, son, believe me - you don't want sanctions from Us.

Also about China's and Japan's conflict because of those few islands.
WE - The Great Gods of Incestus consider those islands to be Japanese lands!
China you shall not claim those islands for yourself or you will face even more
sanctions from US - The Great Gods of Incestus!

 And so may Our words be heard. We hope you like our updates. Take care, oh our
sons and daughters! We will watch you from the heavens!