The Gods gave me some updates and asked me to pass them to EVERYBODY.
"WE - The Great Gods of Incestus shall update the words of Gods given to you millennia ago"
Recently WE - the Great Gods of Incestus got a letter from Siscon2000 asking if its ok
to have sex with your sister/brother/sibling/whatever.
As it was said before - one shall not fuck his sibling.
BUT as WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do understand that those ancient orders cannot fit to nowdays modern lifestyle, so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus shall bring the update and Allow these actions from now on.
From now on you are allowed fuck your sister/brother/parent/whoever as long as there's no rape.
if two (or more) adults both agree to have sex, they shall be allowed to do with their own bodies whatever they like to do. but only as far as there's no rape!
Another question we've been recently asked is - if its ok to have sex with another male or another female (gay/lesbo case)? this decision we discussed for many centuries and came up with conclusion that any sex can have sex with same sex as long as there's no rape. feel free to do with your own bodies whatever you like, as far as no rape and both (or more) adults agree to that.
HOWEVER there's still some taboo will be left in our Order:
1ST - NO RAPE. the one who rapes another living being shall not be forgiven and WILL
burn in hell.
2nd - no sex with animals. animals cannot say if they want to have sex with you or not
(most likely they don't want to have sex with humans anyway.. except dogs) so fucking any
living creature made by Gods who's unable to express himself in words WILL be considered as rape. and one shall burn in hell! and sizes of genitalia are not fitting by the way. so you can hurt our less advanced children that way! shall not be forgiven! beware!
3rd - no sex with childrens. as childrens are mostly as stupid as animals are, it is the same
deal as with animals. non mature minds that are unable to fully understand their actions
shall not be fucked by any means. offenders shall burn in hell. the age restriction shall
be 18+.
One is allowed to have sex until 18 years old as far as he wants, but two (or more)
of them must be at the same or close to the same age.
Anything else between two (or more) adults shall be forgiven and allowed and left to their
own judgement. as far as no rape not a single fuck will be given!
but beware! in exchange of this sexual freedom we set some traps that shall restrict you
from these actions. you probably already know about our recent "gifts" to humanity such as HIV and AIDS. you have been warned!
Now the difficult topic about abortions. "if its allowed to do an abortion?" -
we've been asked so many times. and so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus
shall give you Our answer.
As far as fetus is basically a parasite, that lives in a body that does not belong to it,
the owner of that body shall have the right to decide if he(she) want it to be or not.
one's flesh shall belong to its owner as well as decision to do with that flesh whatever
one likes to do. nobody can be forced to make a new life against ones own will.
and so abortion is allowed and shall not be considered as sin. not a single fuck will be
given by Us - The Great Gods of Incestus.
Even more, if we would have decide to force a female human beings to give a new life by any means we wouldn't have given you The Free Will and advanced brains in the first place. you would remain something similar to plants if We would decide to force you to give a new life independent if you want it or not.
Now about overpopulated areas like China and India: to solve the most basic problems
in those regions like overpopulation and lack of food, WE - The Great Gods of Incestus
shall allow canibalism. canibalism in those regions (only) is NOT considered to be a sin
anymore. one shall be forgiven by Us.
Next is Swearing - "is it okay to swear?". we having so many letters with such a stupid
WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do not giving a single fuck about your speech manner.
feel free to say whatever you like as far as you do not offending anyone intentionally.
freedom of speech shall be allowed once again and swearing shall not be considered as a sin (as it never was).
Next case is "cheating on your husband/wife". WE - The Great Gods of Incestus said you
from the very beginning that it WILL NOT be a good idea to have marriage/single partner
relationships. as you human beings are made as polygamous creatures and are not fit to be with a single partner for entire life. we shall release you from your own mistakes and ALLOW polygamy once again.
You are free to fuck any adult human being as far as no rape and this shall not be considered as a sin despite if you already have wife/husband or not. any form of cheating is ALLOWED and is not considered as a sin as marriage was YOUR idea from the very beginning, NOT Ours.
and so WE - The Great Gods of Incestus do not acknowledge marriage and DO NOT recognize it as any factor regarding our sons and daughters relationships.
Next is "is it allowed to troll the internet". there's no word in our last orders about internet as internet did not exist back then. so as internet is virtual space that have not great enough influence to the real world, we will leave this realm for your own judgement. WE - The Great Gods of Incestus have no time to read your shitposting in such a wide space as the internet, oh our sons and daughters! so we are not going to check your actions there, as it have not enough importance anyway.
in other words WE - The Great Gods of Incestus giving no shit about your actions in internet space as long as you do not commit heavy crimes such as pentagon hacks or stealing from bank accounts and so on.
"Is it okay for us to play violent video games or watch violent movies/TV shows/anime?"
It's better to do it in games than in real life. feel free to enjoy any form of modern entertainment. this shall not be considered as a sin.
"is it okay to watch porn?"
It is ok. Not a single fuck is given by US - The Great Gods of Incestus.
That shall be it for now. we will let you know about Our next updates in the future.
And by the way, tell to that fucktard Vladimir Putin to give back Crimea to Ukraine.
those lands was given to Ukraine by Us - The Great Gods of Incestus and shall remain
Ukrainian lands, as Russia has too many lands anyway!
"Mother Russia" might get her ass kicked very soon by its own "children"
and We're not going to stop that shit if it happens!
and most important Vladimir, son, believe me - you don't want sanctions from Us.
Also about China's and Japan's conflict because of those few islands.
WE - The Great Gods of Incestus consider those islands to be Japanese lands!
China you shall not claim those islands for yourself or you will face even more
sanctions from US - The Great Gods of Incestus!
And so may Our words be heard. We hope you like our updates. Take care, oh our
sons and daughters! We will watch you from the heavens!